Do you have missing teeth or need a tooth replacement?
Implant dentistry may be the correct route for you.
Implant Dentistry Services
Implants are permanent, medical grade titanium root replacements connected to custom fabricated porcelain teeth. This process prevents atrophy of your surrounding gums and bones when a tooth is lost while providing a long-term and hassle-free alternative to traditional dentures.
Single Implant
If any of your teeth are failing, missing or formed improperly, this solution can provide a permanent and advantageous replacement.
These implants can be individual or placed throughout the mouth.
Our team will work diligently to ensure your implants are virtually indistinguishable from other teeth.
Dentures + Partials
If you need a less-permanently fixated option that is more affordable, dentures and partials may be the perfect solution.
We work with you to create custom, comfortable dentures that snap on to your implants. These replacements can come out daily for you to clean and easily snap back in to provide your ideal smile.
Although this is the lowest maintenance option, replacement of some fittings can be done as needed to help ensure optimal fit of your dentures.
Implant Bridge
Instead of replacing several contiguous teeth individually, an implant bridge will allow fewer implants to be placed, while still filling the space and maintaining ideal strength and longevity.
Dr. Bond will work with you to optimally plan and place your implants, and work quickly to give you your teeth back with minimal impact on your daily routine.
Full Mouth Bridge
As your teeth age or break, they may require replacement. If you need a no-hassle, less-bulky alternative to dentures, this solution is a great option.
Once delivered, the appliance is fixed to your implants and cannot be removed by you. Therefore, this solution generally requires annual removal at our office for cleaning and checking the health of your implants.